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  • INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - Monitoring of marine species and habitats" (WFS). The data published by the service comes from the SI MGiSM database, collecting data from marine species and habitats monitoring, maintained by CIEP. The service uses the WFS OGC interface version 2.0.0. The service implements direct access to objects and is associated with the ATOM download service (

  • INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - The ionizing radiation monitoring - Cs-137 concentrations in soil" (WFS). The data published by the service comes from the CIEP file database, collecting data from ionizing radiation monitoring - 137Cs concentration in soil. The service publishes object types defined in the INSPIRE Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) application schema. The service uses the WFS OGC interface version 2.0.0. The service implements direct access to objects.

  • INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - Groundwater quality monitoring" (ATOM). The data published by the service comes from the CIEP file database, which is a copy of data on groundwater quality monitoring (the source database operates at Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PIG-PIB)). The service uses the interface Atom version 1.0 and OpenSearch version 1.1.

  • INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset "National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register" (WFS). The data published by the service comes from the PRTR database, collecting data from the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, maintained by CIEP. The "National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer" is a register which is a tool enabling the society to access information on the environment in the scope of releases to air, water, soil, transfers of pollutants contained in sewage intended for purification and waste from plants in which activity is conducted specified in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006. on the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689 / EEC and 96/61 / EC (Official Journal EU L 33 of 4.2.2006, p. 1). The service uses the WFS OGC interface version 2.0. The service implements direct access to objects.

  • INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - The electromagnetic fields monitoring" (ATOM). The data published by the service comes from the JELMAG database, collecting data from electromagnetic field monitoring, maintained by CIEP. The service uses the interface Atom version 1.0 and OpenSearch version 1.1. Direct access to objects is provided through the following service: WFS (

  • INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register" (ATOM). The data published by the service comes from the PRTR database, collecting data from the National Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, maintained by CIEP. The "National Register of Pollutant Release and Transfer" is a register which is a tool enabling the society to access information on the environment in the scope of releases to air, water, soil, transfers of pollutants contained in sewage intended for purification and waste from plants in which activity is conducted specified in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006. on the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and amending Council Directives 91/689 / EEC and 96/61 / EC (Official Journal EU L 33 of 4.2.2006, p. 1). The service uses the interface Atom version 1.0 and OpenSearch version 1.1. Direct access to objects is provided through the service WFS (

  • INSPIRE view service for harmonized spatial dataset "Establishments presenting hazard of a potential major industrial accident (SEVESO)" (WMS). The data published by the service comes from the register of upper-tier and lower-tier sites which is a source of the information on establishments storing dangerous substances. The categories and the quantities of substances are described in the annex I of the directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accidents hazards involving dangerous substances (so called SEVESO III directive). The view service meets the INSPIRE specification requirements (INSPIRE View Service). The service uses the WMS OGC interface version 1.3.0.

  • INSPIRE view service for harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - The ionizing radiation monitoring - Detection of radioactive contamination" (WMS). The data published by the service comes from the CIEP file database, which is a copy of data on ionizing radiation monitoring - Detection of radioactive contamination (the source database operates at the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management - National Research Institute (IMGW-PIB)). The view service meets the INSPIRE specification requirements (INSPIRE View Service). The service uses the WMS OGC interface version 1.3.0.

  • INSPIRE download service for predefined harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - Monitoring of species and natural habitats" (ATOM). The data published by the service comes from the SI MGSP database, collecting data from species and natural habitats monitoring, maintained by CIEP. The service uses the interface Atom version 1.0 and OpenSearch version 1.1. Direct access to objects is provided through the following service WFS (

  • INSPIRE download service for harmonized spatial dataset "The State Environmental Monitoring - The monitoring of the chemistry of arable soils" (SOS). The data published by the service comes from the MCG database, collecting data from the monitoring of arable soil chemistry, maintained by CIEP. The service publishes object types defined in the INSPIRE Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) and Soil (SO) application schema. The service uses the OGC SOS interface version 2.0. The service implements direct access to Observation objects.