Dataset name:

The State Environmental Monitoring – The noise monitoring

The history of creating a harmonized spatial data set

Source data comes from the EHAŁAS database, collecting data from noise monitoring, maintained by CIEP. The data were transformed in accordance with INSPIRE model in subject of Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) in version of schema 4.0. Technical guidelines for EF subject are available in the specification D2.8.II / III.7 INSPIRE Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facilities – Technical Guidelines.

Unique Resource Identifier

Data access

  Predefined data download service

Dataset description:

The spatial dataset concerns noise monitoring, which is carried out as part of the noise monitoring subsystem of the State Environmental Monitoring coordinated by the Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection. The purpose of the subsystem is to provide information to public and for noise protection implemented in particular through spatial planning instruments and environmental protection instruments, such as strategic noise maps and noise protection programs, as well as technical solutions focused on sources or minimizing impact. As part of the EHAŁAS database, data on road, rail, air and industrial noise are collected, carried out as part of own work, as well as obtained from external entities legally obliged to transfer it to CIEP (from 01/01/2019) and data from strategic noise maps.

More information

Collection creation date: ---

Collection modification date: 2022-03-28

Collection update frequency: 1 year