The State Environmental Monitoring – Monitoring of species and natural habitats
The history of creating a harmonized spatial data set
Source data comes from the SI MGSP database, collecting data from species and natural habitats monitoring, maintained by CIEP. The data were transformed in accordance with INSPIRE model in subject of Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) in version of schema 4.0. Technical guidelines for EF subject are available in the specification D2.8.II / III.7 INSPIRE Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facilities – Technical Guidelines.
Unique Resource Identifier
Data access
Dataset description:
The spatial dataset concerns the monitoring of species and natural habitats, which is carried out as part of the nature monitoring subsystem of the State Environmental Monitoring coordinated by the Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection. The main purpose of nature monitoring is to determine the conservation status of species and natural habitats in the biogeographic regions distinguished in the country. The continental region, the Alpine region and the Baltic Sea area stand out for Poland. The purpose of monitoring is also to provide data enabling the development of reports submitted every six years to the European Commission (EC) on the conservation status of natural habitats and species of European significance. These reports assess species coverage, population, species habitat, and conservation prospects. However, for natural habitats, the range, area, structure and functions of the habitat, as well as protection perspectives, are assessed. The assumption of monitoring natural habitats and species is to collect information that allows to determine their current conservation status in the context of changes occurring as a result of various anthropogenic and natural impacts and forecast threats, as well as existing protection methods. In the case of natural habitats it is about the state and changes occurring in the range of their occurrence, the area occupied and the structure and function, and in the case of species – the condition and changes occurring in their ranges, the size and structure of the population and the area and quality of the habitats with which they are associated. The research is carried out on sample plots (so-called monitoring stands) throughout the country, with particular regard to special Natura 2000 habitat protection areas.