Dataset name:

Establishments presenting hazard of a potential major industrial accident (SEVESO)

The history of creating a harmonized spatial data set

Source data from the database collecting the information on the upper-tier and lower-tier sites. The data were transformed in accordance with INSPIRE models in subject of Production and Industrial Facilities (PF) in version of schema 4.0. Technical guidelines for PF subject are available in specifications D2.8.III.8 INSPIRE Data Specification on Production and Industrial Facilities – Technical Guidelines.

Unique Resource Identifier

Data access

  Predefined data download service

Dataset description:

The spatial dataset concerns the register of upper-tier and lower-tier sites which is a source of the information on establishments storing dangerous substances. The categories and the quantities of substances are described in the annex I of the directive 2012/18/EU on the control of major-accidents hazards involving dangerous substances (so called SEVESO III directive).

More information

Collection creation date: ---

Collection modification date: 2024-06-04

Collection update frequency: 1 year