Dataset name:

The State Environmental Monitoring – The air quality monitoring – The concentrations of pollutants

The history of creating a harmonized spatial data set

Data comes from the CIEP resources reported to European Commission (KE) in terms of air quality monitoring, which are collected in European Environment Agency Central Data Repository (CDR EEA). Source data on air quality monitoring are collected in CIEP database – JPOAT 2.0. The data were transformed in accordance with INSPIRE models in subjects of Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF), Atmospheric Conditions (AC) and Area management / restricted / regulatory zones and Reporting units (AM) in versions of schemas 4.0. Technical guidelines for EF, AC and AM subjects are available in the specification D2.8.II / III.7 INSPIRE Data Specification on Environmental Monitoring Facilities – Technical Guidelines, D2.8.III.13-14 INSPIRE Data Specification on Atmospheric Conditions and Meteorological Geographical Features – Technical Guidelines and D2.8.III.11 INSPIRE Data Specification on Area Management/Restriction/Regulation Zones and Reporting Units – Technical Guidelines.

Unique Resource Identifier

Data access

  Predefined data download service

Dataset description:

The spatial dataset applies to the air quality monitoring – concentrations of pollutants, which is carried out as part of the air quality monitoring subsystem of the State Environmental Monitoring for the purposes of execution art. 88-90 of the Act – Environmental Protection Law and provisions of EU Directives 2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC. It covers tasks related to measurement and assessment of the air quality, including measurements and assessments of air quality in zones, measurements of concentration of particulate matter PM2,5 in air for the purposes of monitoring the process of achieving the national exposure reduction target, urban background monitoring for PAHs in PM10, measurements of regional background pollution on air quality stations: heavy metal and PAH in PM10 and gaseous mercury, measurements of PM2.5 chemical composition, measurements of ozone precursors; EMEP and GAW (WMO) and HELCOM measurements.

More information

Collection creation date: ---

Collection modification date: 2024-09-26

Collection update frequency: 1 year